Because sometimes, we all need a little nudge


Helping you to support the health and well-being of your employees.

At times, we could all benefit from a little push to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Nudge provides personalised health plans to help companies support their employees in achieving or maintaining their wellness goals. We evaluate employees’ needs through physical screenings and lifestyle questionnaires to determine the most appropriate program for them. Our subscription-based service provides monthly fitness plans that are easy to follow and come with a physical item to help your team achieve their fitness and health goals.


Our passion for our work drives us to share it with individuals as well. That’s why we offer Healthy Nudge for individuals, which delivers top-notch exercise programs straight to your doorstep every month.

Testing is not included in this subscription, but you’ll still receive a physical product with each delivery that will assist you in completing the program or simply living a healthier and happier life.

Don’t forget, you have the freedom to start or stop whenever you want, as there are no fixed contracts.

Starting is the most difficult step, but also the most important one. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect; start where you are, with what you have, and do what you can.

Health Check

The process begins with a non invasive health check. Our mobile clinic can visit your site to perform a body composition assessment, blood pressure measurement, peak flow measurement, as well as a brief set of strength and mobility evaluations. Each health check takes less than 20 minutes to complete.

Your Healthy Nudge

After the health check is complete, employees will be given a starter box to get them going on their wellness journey. Additionally, each month, we provide a new fitness plan along with a physical product that can aid in the execution of the plan or simply promote overall health and well-being.

Recognising Progress

To track progress and make any necessary adjustments, we conduct health checks at 6-month and 12-month intervals. Data can be aggregated and anonymised to provide a company-wide report on the progress that has been made.

Unlock the secret to a healthier and happier workforce! Our non-invasive health check coupled with a starter box and monthly fitness plans is the ultimate wellness journey to boost progress and achieve success.